
P. Wohlgenannt,  M. Preißinger, M. Kolhe, P. Kepplinger. Demand side management of a battery-supported manufacturing process with on-site generation. In IEEE Energycon, May 2022

A. Kunz. Virtual and Augmented Reality for Industry. May 2022

A. Laverde. Report in AT&S NF-Bericht_2021-22. April 2022

A. Laverde. Report in AT&S Geschaeftsbericht_2021-22. April 2022

T. Kurz. Optimization approaches implemented with digital twins. April 2022

T. Mattausch. A comparison of techniques for combining Physical and Machine learning models. April 2022

T. Kurz, C. R. Tugores, G. Schweiger. Setting up a Digital Twin for operational optimization of industrial systems.  ISEC, April 2022

A. Künz, S. Rosmann, E. Loria, J. Pirker. The Potential of Augmented Reality for Digital Twins: A Literature Review. In IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), March 2022

J. Fluch. Article in Journal GEO 2/2022 “Chaos im Kopf (ADHS), February 2022

T. Kurz. Untersuchung von Optimierungsverfahren auf ihre Eignung für die Betriebsoptimierung der Energiesysteme von Industrieunternehmen. New energy for industry, May 2021

T. Kurz. Energiewende und Erneuerbare Potentiale. Workshop on Trend-Radar: Digitale Trends in der Produktionsplanung und-steuerung, September 21

T. Schranz, C. M. Legaard, D. Tola, G. Schweiger. Portable runtime environments for Python-based FMUs: Adding Docker support to UniFMU. Proceedings of 14th Modelica Conference 2021, Linköping, Sweden, September 20-24, 2021

G. Birngruber, C. R. Tugores, A. J. Tahir, T. Kurz, G. Schweiger. Digital Energy Twin: Optimized Operation and Design of Industrial Energy Systems. 7th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, Copenhagen, 21-22 September 2021

G. Birngruber. Digital Energy Twin: A data-driven approach to analyze and optimize industrial energy systems, 2021

Grömer. Entwicklung, Validierung und Vereinfachung von Komponentenmodelle für den DigitalEnergyTwin, 2021 

C. R. Tugores, G. Birngruber, J. Fluch, A. Swatek, G. Schweiger. Decarbonization of Industrial Energy Systems: A Case Study of Printed Circuit Board manufacturing, Proceedings of 14th Modelica Conference 2021, Linköping, Sweden, September 20-24, 2021

 C. Brunner, J. Fluch. Digital energy twin Intelligente Steurung industrieller energierelevanter Prozesse, Mission for Austria, June 2020

J. Pirker, S. Safikhani, Loria, A. Künz, S. Rosmann. Immersive Virtual Reality for Virtual and Digital Twins: A Literature Review to Identify State Of The Art and Perspectives. January 2020


Not directly available Deliverables on the web page can be send on demand. Do not hesitate to contact us.

D2.1 Definition of boundary conditions (confidential)

D2.2 Definition of requirements for modelling, simulation, optimization interfaces and standards

D2.3 Specification of the workflow and Framework architecture of the DigitalEnergyTwin

D2.4 Report on the potentials and barriers for multiplication

D3.1 Documentation of physics-based models

D3.2 Documentation of data driven models

D3.3 Documentation of mapping concepts

D3.4 Documentation of Digital Factory and laboratory validation

D3.5 Documentation of additional model validation and simplification

D4.1 Definition of data handling approach, monitoring standards and use cases & D4.3 Report on evaluation of data management methods

D4.2 UML Specification of requirements and IT-Architecture

D5.1 DigitalEnergyTwin framework and its documentation

D5.2 Test-Reports of DigitalEnergyTwin prototype

D5.3 Implementation and documentation of optimization methods

D5.4 Report on validation of DigitalEnergyTwin and Optimisation

D6.1 DigitalEnergyTwin implementation and Rollout

D6.2 Simulation and optimization results

D6.3 Report on design and parameter studies

D6.4 Derivation and multiplication

D7.1 Definition of requirement for AR

D7.2 Mock-Up and specifications AR

D7.3 Documentation of requirements for educational VR experience

D7.4 Mock-Up and specifications VR

D7.5 Implementation AR & VR

D8.1 Assessment and IPR concept

D9.1 D&E plan draft and update

D9.2 Scientific papers and publication

D9.3 Conference proceedings